Fit in 20 minutes per week with fit20 Curaçao

Is 20 minutes a week enough? Does it really work? How? We know you have questions and we’ve got answers for you on this web site. But in truth, you have to experience fit20 yourself to get the full picture. We offer free introductory sessions so it’s easy to give it a try. There is absolutely no obligation to join. We tailor the free session to your specific needs and answer all your questions. There is never any obligation to join, we love telling people about our unique training method and the amazing results our members experience. We are ready to help, are you ready to give fit20 a try?

We look forward to see you at fit20 Curaçao!

Free training
Learn more about fit20

“I will continue to do this as long as I can”

The change story of Michiel van Haastert

I play golf and when I previously had walked 18 holes I was dead tired. Now I can do that more or less without problems.

Read about Michiel's experience

"My muscles are more defined and I have more energy"

The change story of Jan Willem van Weerdenburg

“After more than six months training I have noticed during my other sports activities that my basic condition has improved as well as the condition and definition of my muscles.” .

Read about Jan Willem's experience

Our success story of fit20 Curaçao


More than 13,000 members

More than 13,000 people visit their fit20 studio every week and train to get stronger and stay healthy. Our fit20 trainers have managed more than 1 million training sessions. Experience it yourself!


Over 120 studios in Europe

fit20 was founded in The Netherlands. Because of its success it quickly spread to other European countries. There are studios in Great Britain, Belgium, Germany and we are still growing.


Worldwide expansion

We have recently started our expansion in the Caribbean by opening a studio on Curaçao. Our goal, after being established on this lower winds island, to become a household name in the whole of the Caribbean and help 10,000s of people on the different islands of this region to add strength to their lives. We also have studios open in the US, Middle East and New Zealand.

Why do you always train with a personal trainer at fit20 Curaçao?

Exercise research (see video Prof. Dr. James Steele) clearly shows that your training results are better when you work out with a trainer. Our trainers help you stay motivated and coach you through the difficult spots. They pay attention to your posture to avoid injury. They also monitor your breathing, your exercise pace and rhythm, so you get the best results from your training. Finally, they record your performance every week to track your progress. Of course, they love answering your questions about the fit20 training and what it does for your health and fitness.

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